Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Ghomidi - Al-Quran 30 Juzuk DVD

Hiburan tanpa had yang ditetapkan syariat boleh menggelapkan hati melalaikan minda. Hidup tidak selalunya akan sentiasa tenang jika hati tidak mengingati tuhan. "(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah, ketahuilah hanya dengan mengingati Allah itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia" Ar-Rad, ayat 28. Tapi ada gak orang yang layan lagu metal, hard-metal, rock metal, menjerit2 smua tu hati menjadi tenang. Ohh. no komen...

Daripada Ibnu Umar r.a berkata:“Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda, hati manusia akan berkarat seperti besi yang dikaratkan oleh air. Apakah cara untuk menjadikan hati bersinar semula. Katanya dengan banyak mengingati mati dan membaca Al-Quran.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Tournament (2009) -'Recommended Movie'

Every seven years a tournament takes place in an unsuspecting town where 30 of the world's deadliest killers battle to see who is best and for the ten million dollar cash prize. Returning champion Joshau Harlow (Ving Rhames) is back because he has been informed that one of this year's contestants is responsible for the death of his wife. Each contestant has a tracking marker surgically implanted inside them so that they (and the viewers) can track their opponents. A parkour style assassin (Sebastien Foucan from Casino Royale) cuts out his tracker and ditches it in a cup of coffee which is then drunk and swallowed by alcoholic Father Joseph Macavoy (Robert Carlyle). Chinese assassin Lai Lai Zen (Kelly Hu) realizes quickly that Joseph Macavoy is not a player and decides to keep him alive

Fikirlah Sendiri Nabil Musim 2 SDTVRip (2009)

Fikirlah Sendiri Nabil Musim 2 masih lagi mengekalkan konsep stand-up comedy. Menampilkan Nabil Raja Lawak Musim 1 sebagai tunjang utama rancangan ini. Setiap minggu Nabil akan menjemput Artis Jemputan yang akan memeriahkan lagi rancangan ini.
Episod 1
Tarikh: 21/08/2009
Artis Jemputan: Din Beramboi
Episod 2
Tarikh: 28/08/2009
Artis Jemputan: Sathiya
Episod 3
Artis Jemputan: Johan
Episod 4
Tarikh: 11/09/2009
Artis Jemputan: A.R Badul
Episod 5
Tarikh: 18/09/2009
Artis Jemputan: Mamat Khalid
Episod 6
Tarikh: 09/10/2009
Artis Jemputan: Mr. Os
Episod 7
Tarikh: 16/10/2009
Artis Jemputan: Ustaz Che Hashim
Episod 8
Tarikh: 23/10/2009
Artis Jemputan: Din Beramboi

On His Majesty's Secret Service DVD

The secret service has been responsible for protecting the Emperor for generations and 12 agents are always assigned to bodyguard duty. Amongst the current group, Zero Zero Dog (Louis Koo) is considered to be the weakest as he shows no interest in the martial arts and spends his time studying technology and creatng inventions. When Dog stumbles upon an evil plot to kill the Emperor by the chief eunuch, Cao Yan Chui (Fan Siu Wong), he decides to prove everyone wrong and vanquish the enemy himself

Koleksi DVD Movie Melayu (Setem, Syurga Cinta, Bohsia)



Gabenor Melaka (Lord Arthur Barring) pada 1847 mahukan sesuatu untuk diingati oleh generasi seterusnya. Beliau melantik seorang pembuat jam untuk mencipta sekeping setem. Tetapi setem tersebut ditertawakan oleh Gabenor India kerana terdapat kesilapan. Lord Arthur Barring marah lalu membuang setem tersebut, yang kemudiannya dikutip oleh cucunya.

Charles Barring IV mengadakan sidang akhbar di A Famosa. Beliau mempamerkan warisan keluarganya, Setem Barring. Setem Barring melalui perjalanan yang panjang dan kini kembali ke bumi Melaka, di mana ia dihasilkan. Ianya akan dipamerkan di Muzium Melaka. Sid dan Joe menghadiri sidang akhbar itu, dengan tujuan mahu mencuri setem yang dianggarkan bernilai jutaan ringgit. Sebenarnya, Pak Ramli yang memaksa Sid dan Joe mencuri setem tersebut. Mahu tidak mahu, Sid dan Joe terpaksa melakukannya kerana budi Pak Ramli yang menjaga mereka di rumah anak yatim tersebut.

Namun, bukan hanya Sid dan Joe yang mahukan setem itu. Piranha Lim, seorang ketua kumpulan Ah Long juga berminat. Begitu juga dengan Vellu yang bekerja sebagai pemandu di syarikat keselamatan yang akan membawa setem tersebut ke muzium.

Masing-masing merancang untuk mendapatkan setem tersebut. Malangnya bukan semudah itu untuk mendapatkan setem tersebut. Oleh kerana begitu banyak perancangan yang dilakukan untuk setem tersebut, keadaan menjadi kacau-bilau.

Setem tidak sampai ke tangan Sid & Joe, Piranha Lim mahupun Vellu. Ianya singgah di tangan Aryanto, seorang pendatang tanpa izin yang tidak mengetahui apa-apa. Aryanto membawanya ke rumah kongsi Marcello. Malangnya sekali lagi setem tersebut singgah ke tangan orang lain pula iaitu Iskander, pemuda buta yang juga tidak mengetahui apa-apa tentang setem tersebut. Yasmin, kakak Iskander yang ternampak setem tersebut, lalu menampalnya pada surat permohonan untuk membiayai pembedahan mata Iskander.

Siapakah yang memilikinya? Apa pula berlaku kepada mereka semua?



Irham, berusia lewat 20-an anak kepada pasangan Tan Sri Zakaria dan Pn Sri Mahani telah membesar di luar negara sejak berumur 12 tahun lagi. Dia telah bersekolah dan bekerja di sana untuk beberapa tahun dan pulang ke Malaysia kerana perlu mengambil alih syarikat milik keluarganya. Kerana terlalu lama di luar negara, cara dan gaya hidupnya tidak ubah seperti orang barat.

Sekembalinya ke Malaysia, Irham telah bertemu dengan rakan-rakan lamanya ketika belajar di luar negara iaitu Zainal dan Alex yang sangat mengenali hati budi Irham. Irham sememangnya seorang lelaki yang handal memikat gadis yang diinginkannya. Alex dan Zainal sering kalah jika bertaruh. Bagi memastikan Irham kalah, mereka mencabar Irham memikat gadis bertudung kerana mereka tahu Irham tidak menyukai gadis sebegini.

Gadis tersebut adalah Syuhadah, seorang gadis moden namun masih mempertahankan nilai-nilai sebagai seorang muslimah sejati. Dia merupakan anak yatim dan dijaga oleh datuknya sejak dari kecil. Walaupun hidup mewah namun dia tetap dididik dengan didikan agama yang cukup. Irham melakukan pelbagai cara untuk memikat Syuhadah yang secara kebetulan merupakan guru agama di sekolah adik angkatnya iaitu Ikmal.

Hubungan Irham dan Ikmal yang tidak begitu baik sebelum ini menjadi lebih baik apabila Irham memerlukan bantuan Ikmal dalam menjayakan ’misi’nya. Melihat ’ketulusan’ Irham yang berpura-pura mendalami ajaran Islam, hati Syuhadah terbuka untuk menerima Irham sebagai kawan dan dalam tempoh berkawan dalam diam-diam wujudnya perasaan kasih dan sayang. Irham pula sedikit sebanyak dibimbing oleh Syuhadah sehinggakan dalam tempoh sebulan tanpa dia sedari dia telah melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang Muslim dan dia merasa selesa dan tanpa disedari telah menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai orang Islam seperti mendirikan solat.

Namun tempoh sebulan telah pun tamat dan Irham perlu berjumpa dengan Zainal dan Alex bagi menunaikan janjinya dengan membawa Syuhadah. Di depan Zainal dan Alex Irham telah berterus-terang kepada Syuhadah bahawa dia cuma ”suka-suka” dan bukannya benar-benar jatuh cinta kepada Syuhadah. Syuhadah yang mendengar pengakuan itu benar-benar kecewa. Sudahlah dia susah untuk menerima cinta dari seorang lelaki kini lain pula jadinya. Syuhadah telah membawa diri pulang ke kampung. Irham menang pertaruhan tetapi dia gagal menafikan perasaannya yang sebenar terhadap Syuhadah.

Bagaimana Irham menangani perasaan tersebut? Berjayakah Irham memenangi kembali hati Syuhadah yang begitu kecewa dengan apa yang berlaku? Segalanya bakal terjawab dalam SYURGA CINTA.

Bohsia DVD 2009

Sinopsis Bohsia

Bohsia mengisahkan dua remaja Amy dan Tasya yang menjadi mangsa kerakusan kekejaman manusia berhati binatang. Tanpa pendidikan dan latar belakang keluarga yang sempurna, Amy dan Tasya memilih untuk terjebak dalam dunia rempit oleh pengaruh teman lelaki. Muz teman lelaki Tasya seorang suka cakap besar dan Acai teman lelaki Amy seorang yang pantang dicabar.

Bapa Amy seorang kaki judi sering mengangu kehidupan Amy. Azam seorang bapa ayam cuba memujuk Amy kembali padanya dan insaf atas kesilapannya yang dulu. Amy yang mengetahui pekerjaan Azam cuba menjauhkan dirinya pada Azam. Muz terpikat pada Aisyah tetapi tidak mengetahui Aisyah ialah adik kepada Azam. Tasya yang berang dengan kecurangan Muz,relakan dirinya ditiduri Acai dan gengnya.

Tasya merasakan hidupnya tidak bermakna, membunuh diri. Muz mendedahkan cuba memberitahu identiti abangnya dan dirinya sebagai mat rempit. Azam kecewa tidak dapat memujuk Amy bertindak merogol Amy. Amy melarikan diri dari Azam dan cuba berlindung dengan bapanya Salleh. Salleh yang mabuk cuba mengambil kesempatan pada Amy. Apakah yang akan berlaku… Saksikan BOHSIA.

Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak DVD 2009


Di sebuah kampung tinggal seorang tua bernama Pak Sudir, seorang yang sangat kaya dan dikatakan memelihara saka. Melihat pada raut wajahnya, tiada siapa menyangka usianya telah mencecah hampir 125 tahun. Pak Sudir tinggal dengan seorang pembantu iaitu Mustika.

Di saat kematian Pak Sudir, pelbagai kejadian aneh telah berlaku menggemparkan penduduk kampung. Dikatakan Pak Sudir telah lama meninggal dan yang terlantar sakit itu adalah sakanya. Seorang bomoh terkenal, Pak Mor dipanggil dan setelah berlaku pertarungan dahsyat, saka telah berjaya dikeluarkan dan Pak Sudir akhirnya meninggal dunia.

Di Kuala Lumpur, 3 orang pemuda telah mendapat sepucuk surat setiap seorang daripada Pak Sudir menjemput mereka datang ke rumahnya. Punai, seorang penyeluk saku, Asmat bekerja di tempat letak kereta dan Johan pula seorang jurujual. Pada hari yang ditetapkan, ketiga-tiga mereka tiba di rumah Pak Sudir.

Di sana barulah mereka tahu yang Pak Sudir adalah datuk mereka dan mereka bertiga adalah sepupu. Mustika memberitahu lagi bahawa mereka bertiga bakal mewarisi harta pusaka peninggalan Pak Sudir sekiranya mereka berjaya mematuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan. Mereka hendaklah bermalam di rumah tersebut selama 3 malam berturut-turut dan tidak boleh menyentuh apa-apa barang di rumah tersebut terutamanya sebuah congkak usang. Oleh kerana syarat itu dianggap terlalu mudah bagi mereka dan ini adalah peluang untuk hidup senang, mereka pun bersetuju dengan syarat-syarat tersebut. Apa yang mereka tidak tahu adalah, sebenarnya mereka akan mewarisi ilmu saka Pak Sudir jika Berjaya mengharungi tiga malam tersebut.

Pada malam pertama, mereka telah terjumpa congkak usang yang dimaksudkan oleh Mustika. Mereka membelek-belek congkak tersebut dan apabila dibalikkan di belakang congkak itu, terdapat tulisan Sanskrit yang terukir. Ketika itu juga tulisan tersebut seperti mengeluarkan cahaya dan terkena pada muka mereka bertiga lalu mereka pengsan. Mustika dari awal hanya memerhatikan pergerakan mereka bertiga itu.

Kampung yang telah aman semenjak kematian Pak Sudir tiba-tiba gempar. Orang minyak telah muncul dan mendapat mangsa pertama. Satu makhluk yang menyerupai hantu raya juga telah muncul dan telah memakan ayam satu reban dan satu makhluk yang menyerupai toyol telah muncul dan mencuri duit kepunyaan orang kampung. Ketiga-ketiga kejadian itu berlaku serentak pada malam yang sama.

Pada pagi esoknya Punai bangun dari tidur dan hairan bagaimana satu bra boleh tergantung di lehernya. Johan pula bangun dengan bulu-bulu ayam dan darah ayam penuh di mulutnya. Asmat pula bangun dan di poketnya penuh dengan duit. Mereka sendiri tidak tahu apa yang telah berlaku pada diri mereka. Pagi itu satu kampung heboh dengan tiga kejadian yang berlaku serentak pada satu malam itu. Berbagai-bagai andaian telah dibuat oleh orang-orang kampung tentang kejadian-kejadian itu. Ada yang mengatakan makhluk-makhluk peliharaan Pak Sudir telah kembali mengganas.

Pak Mor dipanggil semula. Pak Mor kemudiannya menyatakan yang makhluk-makhluk peliharaan Pak Sudir dahulu telah berkeliaran untuk mencari orang yang sanggup menjaga mereka. Pak Mor menyatakan jika makhluk-makhluk peliharaan Pak Sudir itu berjaya mendapat mangsanya 3 malam berturut-turut maka mereka telah berjaya mendapat orang yang boleh menjaga mereka dan kampung itu tidak akan aman selama-lamanya.

Apakah nasib Punai, Asmat dan Johan? Siapakah sebenarnya Mustika?

Histeria DVD 2009

‘Histeria’ adalah sebuah kisah seram yang berlaku di salah sebuah kolej swasta. Tujuh orang pelajar nakal (Alissa, Tini, Malini, Murni, Maryam, Jenny, dan Kerek) yang menamakan kumpulan mereka sebagai ‘Pink Flamingo’, berpura-pura terkena histeria, hingga terpaksa dipanggil bomoh untuk memulihkan mereka. Namun tindakan mereka itu mengundang masalah lain apabila mereka bertujuh dikenakan denda, membersihkan kawasan kolej selama seminggu ketika cuti semester. Mereka ditempatkan di satu dorm yang kelihatan menyeramkan. Terdapat seorang pelajar baru (Zeta) menyertai mereka. Sebelum Zeta diterima menjadi ahli Pink Flamingo, beliau perlu diuji, iaitu bermalam di sebuah makmal berhantu. Tujuh pelajar lain cuba menakut-nakutkan Zeta.

Namun kejadian menakutkan benar-benar berlaku apabila pelbagai perkara misteri dialami oleh mereka semua. Ianya bermula selepas Jenny mengambil “sesuatu” yang bukan miliknya. Jenny telah mengekori tukang kebun sekolah menanam sesuatu di bawah sebatang pokok pelik. Tanpa dapat menghidu bahaya yang bakal menimpa mereka semua, Jenny kemudiannya menggali tanah tersebut lalu mengambil barang yang terdiri daripada sehelai kain kuning, tulang, rambut dan serbuk darah. Keadaan bertambah celaru dan mengerikan apabila seorang demi seorang daripada mereka dibunuh kejam oleh satu lembaga yang berkeliaran di kawasan kolej tersebut. Ada yang mati ditusuk gunting, ada pula digantung di tiang bendera, dicekik leher dan sebagainya. Yang terselamat hanyalah Murni.

Malangnya bukti menunjukkan Murni adalah pembunuh kepada mereka yang lain, bermotifkan dendam kerana sering dibuli. Dan Pakar Psikiatri pula mengandaikan Murni pengidap Paranoid Schizophrenic, sejenis penyakit mental.

Apakah benar Murni yang membunuh? Atau… siapakah dalang di sebalik pembunuhan kejam ini?

Somtum (2008) DVD

Gentle giant Barney Emerald is drugged and robbed while on holiday in Pattaya. He befriends two Thai sisters, one who can speak English, another who is a muay-thai kick-boxing champion, and stays with them until he can recover his passport. After eating some spicy "somtum" at their mother's restaurant, he accidentally demolishes the place. He vows to find a way to earn the money to rebuild the restaurant.

Collection of Battlefield War Movies

The Thin Red Line (1998) DVD

In World War II, the outcome of the battle of Guadalcanal will strongly influence the Japanese's advance into the pacific. A group of young soldiers is brought in as a relief for the battle-weary Marine units. The exhausting fight for a key-positioned airfield that allows control over a 1000-mile radius puts the men of the Army Rifle company C-for-Charlie through hell. The horrors of war forms the soldiers into a tight-knit group, their emotions develop into bonds of love and even family. The reasons for this war get further away as the world for the men gets smaller and smaller until their fighting is for mere survival and the life of the other men with them.

U-571 (2000) HD DVD

During World War II, the Allies were having trouble against the German Navy especially their U-Boats because of their highly sophisticated cipher machines. When a German U-Boat is damaged and is waiting for assistance, the Americans decide that this is an opportunity for them to get the machine. So they have one of their subs made up to look like a German, and plan to pretend to be the ship sent to assist them and take control of the U-Boat and take the machine and destroy the sub so that the Germans will not know that they have the machine. And everything went according to plan; they got the machine and transferred the crew to their sub and were about to leave when out of nowhere they're hit by a torpedo from the German relief sub. The members of the crew who were not on board the sub, proceed to board the German U-Boat and try to make it back. Now the senior officer is the sub's XO who's eager to be in command but his commander had told him earlier that he felt he was not ready because he might not be ready to make tough decisions. And now he has to, if he and the survivors are to survive.

We Were Soldiers (2002)

In a place soon to be known as The Valley of Death, in a small clearing called landing zone X-Ray, Lt. Colonel Hal Moore (Mel Gibson) and 400 young fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons, all troopers from an elite American combat division, were surrounded by 2,000 North Vietnamese soldiers. The ensuing battle was one of the most savage in U.S. history. We Were Soldiers Once...And Young is a tribute to the nobility of those men under fire, their common acts of uncommon valor, and their loyalty to and love for one another.

Taegukgi (2004)HD DVD

In 1950, in South Korea, the shoe-shiner Jin-tae Lee and his eighteen years old student brother Jin-seok Lee form a poor but happy family with their mother, Jin-tae's fiancé Young-shin Kim and her young sisters. Jin-tae and his mother are tough workers, who sacrifice themselves to send Jin-seok to the university. When North Korea invades the South, the family escapes to a relative's house in the country, but along their journey, Jin-seok is forced to join the army to fight in the front, and Jin-tae enlists too to protect his young brother. The commander promises Jin-tae that if he gets a medal he would release his brother, and Jin-tae becomes the braver soldier in the company. Along the bloody war between brothers, the relationship of Jin-seok with his older brother deteriorates leading to a dramatic and tragic end.

Saving Private Ryan (1998) Blu Ray DVD

During WWII, Chief of Staff, General Marshall is informed that three of a woman's sons have been killed and that she's going to receive the notifications of their demise at the same time. And when he learns that a fourth son is still unaccounted for, the General decides to send a unit to find him and bring him back, despite being told that it's highly unlikely that he is still alive and the area that he was known to be at is very dangerous. So the unit consisting of 8 men are sent to find him but as stated it's very dangerous and one by one, each of them are being picked off. Will they find him and how many of them will still be alive.

After the invasion of fortress Europe on June 6th 1944, Tom Hanks leads his squad from the 2nd Ranger Battalion of the 29th Infantry Division, on a mission to find and bring home Private James Francis Ryan after the death of his brothers. The mission takes them through Nazi occupied territory to establish contact with Ryan's unit an element of the 101st Airborne Division. This exiting war thriller brings the reality of history's bloodiest war into the homes of ordinary people, but also brings into light the reality of broken and lost families in a time of total and encompassing war.

Full Metal Jacket (1987) HD DVD

Full Metal Jacket begins by following the trials and tribulations of a platoon of fresh Marine Corps recruits focusing on the relationship between Gunnery Sergeant Hartman and Privates Pyle and Joker. We see Pyle grow into an instrument of death as Hartman has forseen of all of his recruits. Through Pyle's torment and Joker's unwillingness to stand up against it the climax of part one is achieved with all three main characters deciding their fates by their action or inaction. The second chapter of Full Metal Jacket delves into Joker's psyche and the repeated referal to the fact that he joined the Corps to become a killer. When his mostly behind the scenes job as a combat correspondant is interfered with by the Tet offensive he is thrust into real combat and ultimately must choose if he really is a killer.

Enemy at the Gates (2001)HD DVD

In the winter of 1942, the German and Russian Armies meet in the great Battle of the Stalingrad, one of the most vicious engagements of the Second World War. Enter into this horror a young Russian soldier, formerly a peasant boy with an extraordinary ability to sharpshoot a rifle from far distances. The Russian sniper soon gains fame after killing a record number of German officers causing the Germans to bring in their own sniper expert: a war weathered Major who always accomplishes his mission no matter what the cost. With the Battle of Stalingrad raging around them, these two men must now fight each other.

The Guns of Navarone (1961)

1943. With the battle of Stalingrad turning the war against them, the Germans are attempting to bully neutral Turkey into joining the Axis; to this end they have trapped 2,000 British soldiers on Kiros, an island in the Aegean, with only one sea route for evacuation, a sea route commanded by two gigantic German antiship batteries deployed in a massive cliffside bunker on the island of Navarone. Immune to air attack and too much for Allied battleships to suppress, the British muster Keith Mallory, a commando officer who has been working on occupied Crete for nearly two years and who is an expert mountaineer, to ferry a team of British commandos to the only area of Navarone that is not monitored by the Germans, a 400-foot cliff. Greek resistance is to meet the team inland and guide them around German patrols to the area of the German guns. However, the commanding officer of the British team suffers grave injury in the climb and Mallory must take control of the mission, despite clashes with explosives expert John Anthony Miller, who upon the arrival of the night of the raid finds his equipment has been sabotaged, thus exposing a traitor in the team's ranks.

Behind Enemy Lines (2001)

Lt. Chris Burnett, who wants to resign from the Navy, is teamed up with Lt. Jeremy Stackhouse to conduct a reconnaissance mission over war-torn Bosnia, where a peace treaty may put the devastating war to an end. During the mission, they fly their FA-18 off course to check out a suspicious target that turns out to be the site of a mass grave that contains bodies of Bosnian Muslims. The main perpetrator of the massacre, Gen. Miroslav Lokar, has the plane shot down in order to avoid having the plane obtaining evidence of the massacre. After parachuting into Serb-controlled Bosnian territory, Stackhouse is executed by Lokar's men while Burnett is on the run from the Serbs. Burnett's commanding officer, Rear Admiral Leslie Reigart, has trouble gaining approval from his own commanding officers to carry out a search-and-rescue mission to save Burnett, who fear that such a move will endanger the peace process. From encountering a major battle in a war-torn town, to mine fields, to Serb soldiers seeking the pilot, and to a highly skilled sniper, will Burnett be able to escape Bosnia, or will he suffer the same fate of his comrade?

Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil(2006)

The fate of the world hangs in the balance in this explosive action thriller. Brace yourself for nonstop action and chilling suspense, because there's no turning back in this pulse-pounding sequel that takes you Behind Enemy Lines for another adrenaline-fueled adventure! When a team of U.S. Navy SEALs is assigned to destroy a North Korean missile site and avert a possible nuclear strike, failure is not an option. But the mission is abruptly aborted, stranding four soldiers in enemy territory. Now, in order to survive, they must defeat the rebel forces that threaten their lives, their allies and the entire free world!

Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia (2009)

Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage

The Deer Hunter HD DVD

Michael, Steven and Nick are young factory workers from Pennsylvania who enlist into the Army to fight in Vietnam. Before they go, Steven marries the pregnant Angela and their wedding-party is also the men's farewell party. After some time and many horrors the three friends fall in the hands of the Vietcong and are brought to a prison camp in which they are forced to play Russian roulette against each other. Michael makes it possible for them to escape, but they soon get separated again.

Hamburger Hill (1987)

A brutal and realistic war film focuses on the lives of a squad of 14 U.S. Army soldiers of B Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infanty Regiment, 101st Airborne Division during the brutal 10 day (May 11-20, 1969) battle for Hill 937 in the A Shau Valley of Vietnam as they try again and again to take the fortified hill held by the North Vietnamese, and the faults and casualties they take every time in which the battle was later dubbed "Hamburger Hill" because enemy fire was so fierce that the fusillade of bullets turned assaulting troops into shreded hamburger meat.

Saints and Soldiers (2003)

Based on actual WWII events, the award-winning "Saints and Soldier" tells the dramatic story of a small band of Allied soldiers trapped behind enemy lines with information that could save thousands of allied lives. Outgunned and ill-equipped, they must now battle a frigid wilderness and roving German troops to smuggle the critical intelligence back to allied territory. In mid-December 1944, Hitler's Army charges through the Ardennes Forest in Belgium, initiating the offensive that will come to be known as the Battle of the Bulge. The German soldiers open fire on the unarmed prisoners, in the tragic event now known as the Malmedy Massacre. Corporal Nathan "Deacon" Greer, his friend Gordon Gunderson and a handful of others survive the massacre by playing dead and escaping into the nearby woods. The small band of soldiers come across stranded British intelligence officer Oberon Winley, who has valuable information to be delivered to Allied forces, increasing the urgency of their already desperate situation. The group forms a fragile bond as they begin to trust each other. But the constant threat of capture, as well as mounting suspicions of a German sympathizer within the group, threaten to tear them apart. Now with few weapons, no food and a strained camaraderie, this tiny band must take on the unforgiving winter and a forest filled with enemy troops to fight their way back to Allied occupied territory.

Star Trek (2009) BluRay DVD

Sinopsis Star Trek Movie

Nasib galaksi terletak di tangan 2 orang yang berasal dari dunia berbeda dan saling bersaing, yaitu James Tiberius Kirk (Chris Pine, "Just My Luck"), seorang anak laki-laki pencari sensasi asal Iowa; dan Spock (Zachary Quinto, "Heroes"), manusia setengah Vulcan yang berbakat, siswa nekat dan menjadi yang pertama dari bangsanya yang masuk ke dalam Starfleet Academy.

Dengan gaya radikal yang berlawanan, mereka berusaha untuk masuk dalam kelompok khusus yang dipilih untuk bergabung dengan awak kapal perang canggih yang pernah diciptakan, bernama the U.S.S. Enterprise. Ditengah-tengah itu semua, Kirk and Spock akan saling berhadapan dengan nasib yang tidak dapat mereka pungkiri: kebutuhan untuk bekerja sama, membuat mereka mampu memimpin awak kapal mereka untuk melakukan hal yang belum dilakukan sebelumnya.

On the day of James Kirk's birth, his father dies on his ship in a last stand against a mysterious alien vessel. He was looking for Ambassador Spock, who is a child on Vulcan at that time, disdained by his neighbors for his half-human nature. Twenty years later, Kirk has grown into a young troublemaker inspired by Capt. Christopher Pike to fulfill his potential in Starfleet even as he annoys his instructors like young Lt. Spock. Suddenly, there is an emergency at Vulcan and the newly commissioned USS Enterprise is crewed with promising cadets like Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov and even Kirk himself thanks to Leonard McCoy's medical trickery. Together, this crew will have an adventure in the final frontier where the old legend is altered forever even as the new version of it is just beginning.

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) 720p BluRay HD DVD

Tentera US berkerjasama dengan Autobots untuk cari saki baki Decepticon yg bersembunyi di pelusuk dunia.

Diorang (tentera US + Autobots) dapat jumpa Decepticon yg besar nak mampus tu kat China, so tangkaplah ramai2, tapi memang besar giler la Decepticon yg ni… Macam la kemusnahan kat China tu sebab nak tangkap yg jahat sekor tu..

Gomen China komplen kat US, banyak sangat kemusnahan masa tangkap Decepticon tu, so gomen US decide untuk tutup operasi kerjasama dengan Autobots sebab banyak nak tanggung kemusnahan selama nih.

Sam Witwicky terjumpa serpihan Allspark kat umah dia, bila tersentuh Allspark tu, ada kuasa yang meresap masuk dalam otak dia memberitahu lokasi Matrix Key & Energon (mesin pemusnah matahari yg dicipta oleh robot2 pada masa dulu untuk menuai Energon di bumi, takut pupus kalau tak simpan benih2 robot untuk masa depan, terletak dalam piramid di Mesir.)


Dalam masa yang sama, spy2 Decepticon monitor aktiviti manusia yang ada kena mengena dengan Allspark sebab ada serpihan tu yang US simpan. Decepticon nak serpihan tu untuk hidupkan Megatron balik. So pendek cite, dapat jugak la Decepticon jumpa serpihan tu, dan hidupkan balik Megatron.

Megatron da hidup, The Fallen suruh dia cari Energon (ke Allspark.. aku pun da lupa) kat Bumi. Decepticon kejar Sam, Autobot cover, Megatron bunuh Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime mati.

Lambang2 yang keluar dalam vision Sam sebenarnya petunjuk arah ke Matrix Key dan Energon. Sam minta tolong Ejen CIA (yang dulu kena kencing dengan Bumblebee) translate lambang2 tu. Diorang jumpa Jetfire (Decepticon tua nak mampus, tapi hati baik) tolong diorang & Autobots tunjuk arah)

Matrix Key = kuasa yang power, boleh hidupkan robot yang da mati & juga sebagai kunci untuk hidupkan Energon. Da ada kat bumi lama, robot2 zaman dulu sorokkan kat bumi takut The Fallen salahguna. Sam tau lokasi kat mana berdasarkan lambang2 dalam vision dia. Diorang dapat cari Matrix Key, then nak kena hidupkan Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime dapat hidup lepas cantum dengan Jetfire.

Optimus Prime Hidup. Kejar The Fallen & Megatron yang tengah hidupkan Energon pakai Matrix Key kat Piramid. Traktor yang banyak2 kat padang pasir area situ (10 biji kot) bercantum jadi satu (memang besar la). Bergaduh la diorang semua kat atas Piramid.

It is revealed that thousands of years ago there was a race of ancient Transformers who scoured the universe looking for energon sources. Known as the Dynasty of Primes, they used machines called Sun Harvesters to drain stars of their energy in order to convert it to energon and power Cybertron's AllSpark. The Primes agreed that life-bearing worlds would be spared, but in 17,000 BC, one brother, thereafter dubbed "The Fallen", constructed a Sun Harvester on Earth. The remaining brothers thus sacrificed their bodies in order to hide the Matrix of Leadershipthe key that activates the Sun Harvesterfrom The Fallen, who swore to seek revenge upon Earth.

In the present day, two years after the events of the previous film, Optimus is seen leading NEST, a military organization consisting of human troops and his own team of Autobots (including newcomers Arcee, Chromia, Elita One, Sideswipe, Jolt, and the twins Skids and Mudflap) aimed at killing the remaining Decepticons on Earth. While on a mission in Shanghai, Optimus and his team destroy Decepticons Sideways and Demolishor, being given a warning by the latter that "The Fallen shall rise again". Back in the United States, Sam Witwicky finds a splinter of the destroyed AllSpark, and upon contact the splinter fills his mind with Cybertronian symbols before it burns through the floor of his bedroom into the kitchen and activates appliances into transformers. These transformers try to take Sam down and fires upon him and his father, Ron, in the back yard before Bumblebee destroys them, along with part of the house. Deeming it dangerous, Sam gives the AllSpark splinter to his girlfriend Mikaela Banes for safe keeping, and leaves her and Bumblebee behind to go off to college. Upon arrival, Sam meets his college roommate Leo Spitz, who runs an alien conspiracy website, and Alice, a co-ed who makes sexual advances on him. Back home, Decepticon Wheelie tries to steal the shard, only to get captured by Mikaela. After having a mental breakdown, uncontrollably writing in Cybertronian language, Sam calls Mikaela, who immediately leaves to get to him, taking Wheelie with her.

Soundwave hacks into a US satellite and learns the locations of the dead Decepticon leader Megatron and another piece of the AllSpark by listening to a briefing between the Autobots and NEST where Director Galloway mentions both locations while criticizing NEST's operations and the Autobots' presence on Earth. Soundwave sends Ravage retrieve the shard from the NEST headquarters. Ravage then meets a group of Constructicons on board a cargo vessel to go the the bottom of the Lauentian Abyss where Megatron lies. The Doctor emerges and at his request, the Constructicons turn on one of their own to provide parts to resurrect Megatron, who flies into space and is reunited with Starscream and his master, The Fallen. The Fallen instructs Megatron and Starscream to capture Sam in order to discover the location of the Matrix of Leadership. With Sam's outbreaks worsening, Mikaela arrives at campus just as Alice is trying to seduce Sam. She finds the two together then walks away thinking he has cheated only to find that Alice, revealed to be a Decepticon Pretender, is actually attacking Sam. Mikaela, Sam, and his roommate Leo drive off, destroying Alice,

While leaving the university campus, Sam's group is seized by Grindor, a Decepticon helicoptor similar to Blackout. They are then dropped into a warehouse where Megatron and Starscream await. Megatron traps Sam while Starscream keeps Leo and Mikaela back. The Doctor appears and inserts a probe into Sam's mind that shows the Cybertronian symbols. He then prepares to remove Sam's brain, but Optimus and Bumblebee turn up and rescue him. In an ensuing fight, Optimus engages Megatron, Grindor and Starscream. Optimus manages to kill Grindor and rip off Starscream's arm, but he is eventually impaled through the chest by Megatron and dies. Sam escapes with Leo and Mikaela in Bumblebee with Skids and Mudflap accompanying them while the remaining Autobots attack and drive off Megatron and Starscream.

After Prime's death, The Fallen is freed from his captivity and Megatron orders a full-scale assault on the planet. The Fallen speaks to the world and demands they surrender Sam to the Decepticons or they will continue their attack. Sam, Mikaela, Leo, Bumblebee, the twins and Wheelie regroup. Leo shows his fear and tries to use his cell phone to get someone to pick him up, but Sam destroys it noting that the government can track it. Sam apologizes to Bumblebee for not believing him and Optimus, but Bumblebee assures him that they are still good friends. After Sam unsuccessfully asks the twins if they can read the symbols, with them admitting they don't do much reading, Leo suggests his online rival "RoboWarrior" may be of assistance. "RoboWarrior" is revealed to be former Sector 7 agent Simmons, who informs the group that the symbols should be readable for a Decepticon. Mikaela then releases Wheelie, who can't read the language, but identifying it as that of the Primes, directs the group to a Decepticon seeker named Jetfire.

The group finds Jetfire at the F. Udvar-Hazy Center and reactivate him. They find him to be a Decepticon, and try to flee, but Sam realizes that Jetfire is different, as he isn't attacking. He reveals that he had defected to the Autobots because he is tired of the fighting. Wheelie does the same - in a suggestive sort of way toward Mikaela. Jetfire recognizes the symbols and teleports the group to Egypt via a space bridge, Jetfire explains that only a Prime can kill The Fallen, and translates the symbols, which contain a riddle that sets the location of the Matrix of Leadership somewhere in the surrounding desert. By following the clues, the group arrive at the tomb where they ultimately find the Matrix, but it crumbles to dust in Sam's hands. Believing the Matrix can still revive Optimus, Sam collects the dust and instructs Simmons to call Major William Lennox to bring the other Autobots and Optimus' body.

NEST takes to the air, unfortunately taking Galloway with them (as he has put himself in charge of NEST in order to dismantle the team) Lennox has the pilot execute a series of turns to get Galloway to think there is a problem, then manages to get Galloway to parachute off the plane. NEST and the Autobots then arrives at Egypt, but so do the Decepticons, and a battle arises. During the fight, Devastator is formed and unearths the Sun Harvester from inside one of the pyramids before being destroyed by the US military with the help of agent Simmons. Jetfire arrives and destroys Mixmaster, but is mortally wounded by Scorponok. The Air Force carpet bomb the Decepticons, but Megatron breaks through the offensive and kills Sam. In a vision, Sam meets with the other Primes, who tell him that the Matrix of Leadership is not found but earned, which Sam has done, and send him back, effectively reviving him. The Matrix is reassembled from the dust, and Sam uses it to revive Optimus. The Fallen then steals the Matrix and activates the Sun Harvester. In his final moments, Jetfire volunteers his parts and spark to Optimus. With enhanced capabilities, Optimus destroys the Sun Harvester and takes on Megatron and The Fallen, killing the latter. Sam then finally reciprocates Mikaela's love as Megatron and Starscream retreat and vow that their fight is not finished.